Soon after this, Elder Anthony of Optina visited this family, although he had not known them before. One night the above-mentioned servant-woman saw a dream wherein a tall monk entered her lady’s room and led her out in a monastic garment. Being forewarned about this through a faithful servant-woman, and beginning to feel in herself the action of the enemy’s power, this maiden had no one from whom to seek help except God, for she had no acquaintance with anyone of spiritual life.

was subjected to the same temptation as was once the holy Martyr Justina: she was pursued by a certain man who, seeing that all his efforts to arouse in her a mutual love for him remained futile, turned to a sorcerer, and with his help began to direct magic spells against her. Cyprian and Justina in nineteen century Russia and twentieth century Greece. Here are examples of help against witchcraft and sorcery from Sts. When people want their desires fulfilled without God, because these desires are ungodly, they have in times turned to the devil through magicians and sorcerers. Now Christians pray to these saints to protect themselves from sorcery and satanism, which has always lurked around in the dark corners of society but is now showing its disgusting face nearly everywhere we look - television, cinema, and even public parades. Both Cyprian and Justina were martyred by their pagan ruler. When Cyprian saw that all the power of the devil was useless against a young girl who had faith in Jesus Christ, he too repented and was baptized, later even becoming a bishop. Once he had done this, the chaste girl was attacked by lustful thoughts and feelings, but she valiantly fought them off with prayer and dedication to The sorcerer invoked an evil spirit with a long resume of successful seductions, and this boastful spirit gave him some powder for the youth to sprinkle around Justina’s home. One such client was a young man named Aglaias, who desired the virgin Justina, the daughter of a Christian priest. Many people payed him to use his magic in order to get something they wanted, and Cyprian would use his authority among the evil spirits to fulfill these godless requests.

Cyprian was a pagan sorcerer who had direct contact with demons.

Before his conversion to Christianity, St.